솔라리스에서 블루투스 쓰기
2008. 10. 26. 20:45
현재 진행중인 프로젝트랍니다. ^^
소스형태로 다운로드 받아 테스트 해볼 수 있답니다.
오픈소스는 바로 여러분들이 함께 해야 해요.
오늘 부터 블루투스 프로젝트에 참여해 보시겠어요?
아래는 솔라리스 포럼에서 가져온 정보입니다.
Solaris Express has any Bluetooth support.
Unless you installed some prototype code from the OpenSolaris Bluetooth project.
Bluetooth project forum
Bluetooth Source
To get a brief of the porting work, please look into below link:
The gate is initiated from a clone of OpenSolaris/volo-gate, since I
decided to use Volo new socket framework directly, you can do nightly
build with the same toolchain as Volo-gate. (also need nv84 closed-bin)
Install steps: (please ensure your machine have a usb bluetooth dongle
inserted, I suggest BT2.0 dongle)
1. install OpenSolaris/build84.
2. cap-eye-install bluetooth kernel(when nightly complete)
3.1 copy soconfig to /sbin/soconfig
3.2 copy btconfig to /usr/sbin/btconfig
3.3 copy libbluetooth.so.1 to /lib/.
4. #/sbin/soconfig 31 4 1 - sockrawhci
5. #add_drv -i '"usb,classe0.1.1"' ubt
6. btconfig -l
7. you should be able to see ubt0 as the output
8. btconfig ubt0 up pscan
(you can also find manual page here:
** all infomation in this article from opensolaris community